• motivated-employees

      Motivating Your Employees to Learn Online: 4 Phases

      Motivated and enthusiastic trainees stimulate both their own and their colleagues’ development. It’s true of online training and live training; people talk about it during work and discuss each...
    • Communications training trends

      5 predictions about soft skills and communication training in 2018

      Developments like the internet of things change the future of professions and emphasize the importance of communication skills. ‘Lifelong learning’ is also applicable to soft skills. Based on these...
    • school-mandatory-training

      Schoolish or not: make your soft skills training program mandatory

      Should you make your soft skills training program mandatory? This sometimes meets with resistance. If you really want it to have an impact, you should!
    • vier fases david kolb

      Measure the soft skills of your employees in 3 steps

      Determine the soft skills of your employees with a scan and order this information by implementing a soft skills dashboard. Just follow these 3 steps.
    • training

      Why your employees don’t start to train - and what to do about it

      What if your employees don’t start training at all? We investigated this problem for one of the organisations we work with. What are the top 3 reasons?
    • motivation-training

      8 ways to improve extrinsic training motivation

      Imagine you have put a nice online training in place, but after a few weeks, it appears that most employees haven’t even started yet. How to prevent this?
    • reflection

      Reflection is progress

      We look back on the year that is behind us. It’s good to reflect on the things that have happened. The same goes for training as well!
    • Collega-vriendelijkheid klantvriendelijkheid-1

      Friendliness among colleagues: just as self-evident as customer friendliness?

      Many employees now put the customer on a pedestal. But how many employers care as much about friendliness among colleagues? How can you stimulate this?
    • manager skills

      Manager, your communication is below par: unwillingness or ignorance?

      Managers and employees don’t communicate enough with each other. 60 percent of indicate they have unspoken issues with their manager. But which issues?
    • TrainTool & Red Cross win silver 'Excellence in the design of learning content' award

      We were awarded the silver award for our online training program developed for Red Cross Netherlands!